Wikibility is when Wikipedia meets accessibility. Use Agastya's award-winning web accessibility options on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for easy browsing, reading, and referencing.

Wikipedia is the world’s largest curated source of knowledge. You can find information about any and everything on Wikipedia, but this information is not always accessible to everyone. Using Wikibility, users with learning disorders like dyslexia, senior, blind users, etc., can all easily use Wikipedia.
It automatically highlights difficult words and works across all of Wikipedia’s languages. Wikibility is a proof-of-concept app which implements Agastya on Wikipedia.
As featured in
All languages
Wikibility works perfectly in all languages currently supported by Wikipedia, so you can browse and read around the world.
A user's preferences are saved by Wikibility, so it always shows you the layout and design that you are most comfortable with.
Vocabulary mode
Vocabulary mode automatically highlights difficult words and displays their meaning on click, so you are always learning.
Backed by proven research.
Our researchers conducted a study with students with dyslexia in two different schools in India using Augmenta11y and found a reduction in reading time of over 20%.
Built on Oswald Labs Platform.
All Shravan apps are built on Oswald Labs Platform, an extensive suite of products, open-source projects, and developer APIs and SDKs to build tools to empower the next billion users.
Free as in freedom—download now.
Wikibility is part of Oswald Labs’ Shravan platform, and is 100% free for all users. We don't collect background data or sell your personal data, so its truly free and invasion-free.